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Converts XML files from one S3 bucket to JSON files in another S3 bucket. Processing tracked in a MySQL database.

Purchasing Options

Available Actions

Convert Data

Reads XML data from new files in the source S3 location, converts it to JSON format and stores the results in files in the destination S3 location. The tracking table specified is used to determined which source files have been successfully processed previously and to record processing status for new files.


Source Parameters
source_aws_token required

Select the AWS Access Keys to use to access the S3 bucket where the XML files to convert exist.

source_bucket required

Select the S3 bucket where the XML files to convert exist.


Specify the folder path from the Path Prefix in the Source S3 Bucket Shared Config to the folder where the XML files to convert exist. The combined value will be treated as an S3 key prefix for partial matching.

Destination Parameters
destination_aws_token required

Select the AWS Access Keys to use to access the S3 bucket where the JSON files will be created.

destination_bucket required

Select the S3 bucket where the JSON files will be created.


Specify the folder path from the Path Prefix in the Destination S3 Bucket Shared Config to the folder where the JSON files will be created.


If enabled, files in the destination with the same path and name will be overwritten.

Tracking Parameters
database required

Select the MySQL database where the processing information will be referenced and stored.

table_name required

Specify the name of the table, in schema.table format, where the processing information will be referenced and stored. If the table does not exist, it will be created.