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Manage DigitalOcean Droplets.

Purchasing Options

Available Actions

Restore Droplet

Restore a Droplet from a Snapshot.


Restore Parameters
do_conn required

Select the access token to use to authenticate with DigitalOcean.

droplet_name required

Specify the name for the restored Droplet.

region required

Specify the slug matching the region where Droplet should be restored.

size required

Specify the slug matching the size for the restored Droplet.


Optional. Specify the name of snapshot to use to restore the Droplet. If specified, the most recently created snapshot that has the name specified will be used. If not specified, the Tag specified will be used to locate the snapshot, instead.

tag required

Specify the tag that will be added to the restored Droplet. If Snapshot Name is not specified, the most recently created snapshot that has the tag specified will be used.

Prune Snapshots

Prune snapshots that match the criteria specified.


Prune Parameters
do_conn required

Select the access token to use to authenticate with DigitalOcean.

tag required

Specify the tag to use to identify the snapshots that you want to prune.


Specify the maximum number of most recent snapshots to keep. If blank or 0, no limit will be applied.


Specify the maximum age, in days, of snapshots to keep. If blank or 0, no limit will be applied.

keep_one required

If enabled, the most recently created snapshot will not be deleted, regardless of other parameter values.

Destroy Droplets

Destroy one or more Droplets that match the tag specified.


Destroy Parameters
do_conn required

Select the access token to use to authenticate with DigitalOcean.

tag required

Specify the tag to use to identify the Droplets that you want to destroy.

allow_multiple required

If enabled, all Droplets (up to 200) with a matching tag will be destroyed, otherwise the Task will fail if more than one Droplet with a matching tag exists.

Create Snapshot

Create a snapshot of the Droplet that matches the tag specified.


Snapshot Parameters
do_conn required

Select the access token to use to authenticate with DigitalOcean.

tag required

Specify the tag to use to identify the Droplet that you want to take a snapshot of. If more than one Droplet with a matching tag exists, the Task will fail.

snapshot_name required

Specify the name for the newly created snapshot.

Turn On Droplets

Starts up one or more Droplets that are powered down and match the tag specified.


Turn On Parameters
do_conn required

Select the access token to use to authenticate with DigitalOcean.

tag required

Specify the tag to use to identify the Droplets that you want to turn on.

allow_multiple required

If enabled, all Droplets (up to 200) with a matching tag will be turned on, otherwise the Task will fail if more than one Droplet with a matching tag exists.

Turn Off Droplets

Performs a shutdown on one or more running Droplets that match the tag specified.


Turn Off Parameters
do_conn required

Select the access token to use to authenticate with DigitalOcean.

tag required

Specify the tag to use to identify the Droplets that you want to turn off.

allow_multiple required

If enabled, all Droplets (up to 200) with a matching tag will be turned off, otherwise the Task will fail if more than one Droplet with a matching tag exists.

Tag Snapshots

Adds the tag specified to the snapshots specified.


Tag Snapshot Parameters
do_conn required

Select the access token to use to authenticate with DigitalOcean.

snapshot_name required

Specify the name of the snapshot where the tag will be added.

tag required

Specify the tag to add to the snapshot specified.