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Download DigitalOcean service usage and cost data in JSON format and store it in a DigitalOcean Space.

Purchasing Options

Available Actions

Download Data

Download JSON data for the cost metrics selected and store it in a Space.


Source Parameters
do_token_cost_data required

Select the DigitalOcean Access Token to use to access the cost metrics data.


Enable to include itemized cost data. If disabled, only the total monthly cost will be included.

next_run_start_point required

Data downloaded will begin with at the start of the month of the datetime specified. Automatically updated after each month of data is downloaded.

Destination Parameters
do_token_storage required

Select the DigitalOcean Access Keys to use to access the Space where the cost metrics data will be stored.

digital_space_config required

Select the Shared Config that contains information about the DigitalOcean Space where the data will be stored.


Path from the starting folder in the Space Configuration to the folder where the data will be stored.

allow_overwrite required

Enable to allow existing files with the same name to be overwritten.