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Manage Amazon EC2 instances.

Purchasing Options

Available Actions

Terminate EC2 Instances

Terminates one or more EC2 instances that match the tag specified.


AWS Parameters
aws_token required

Select the credentials to use to access Amazon Web Services.

Tag Parameters
key required

Specify the name of the key in the tag that identifies an EC2 instance or AMI.

value required

Specify the value associated with the key in the tag that identifies an EC2 instance or AMI.

Termination Parameters
multiple required

If enabled, all instances with a matching tag will be terminated, otherwise the Task will fail if more than one instance with a matching tag exists.

Prune Amazon Machine Images

Prune AMI's that match the criteria specified.


AWS Parameters
aws_token required

Select the credentials to use to access Amazon Web Services.

Tag Parameters
key required

Specify the name of the key in the tag that identifies an EC2 instance or AMI.

value required

Specify the value associated with the key in the tag that identifies an EC2 instance or AMI.

Prune Parameters

Specify the maximum number of most recent AMI's to keep. If blank or 0, no limit will be applied.


Specify the maximum age, in days, of AMI's to keep. If blank or 0, no limit will be applied.

keep_one required

If enabled, the most recently created AMI will not be deleted, regardless of other parameter values.

Create Amazon Machine Image

Create an AMI from an EC2 instance that matches the tag specified.


AWS Parameters
aws_token required

Select the credentials to use to access Amazon Web Services.

Tag Parameters
key required

Specify the name of the key in the tag that identifies an EC2 instance or AMI.

value required

Specify the value associated with the key in the tag that identifies an EC2 instance or AMI.

AMI Creation Parameters
name required

Specify a name for the AMI to create. The current dateime will be appended to the name.

reboot required

If enabled, AWS will be allowed to reboot the EC2 instance prior to image creation. Refer to the slide out help for more details.

Restore EC2 Instance

Create an EC2 instance from an Amazon Machine Image.


AWS Parameters
aws_token required

Select the credentials to use to access Amazon Web Services.

Optional Launch Template Parameters

Optional. Specify the name of the launch template to use. If blank, Launch Template ID will be used to locate the template. If both parameters are blank, no launch template will be used.


Optional. Specify the ID of the launch template to use. If blank, Launch Template Name will be used to locate the template. If both parameters are blank, no launch template will be used.


Optional. Specify a specific version of the launch template to use. If blank, the version tagged as default will be used.

Optional Tag Parameters

Optional. This parameter will create a tag in the EC2 instance created. If no launch template and no AMI ID are specified, this parameter will also be used to locate the AMI base for the instance.


Optional. This parameter will set the value associated with the Tag Key specified in the EC2 instance created. If a launch template is specified, this parameter will override the value for a matching tag key in it. If no launch template and no AMI ID are specified, this parameter will also be used to locate the AMI base for the instance.

EC2 Instance Creation Parameters

Optional. Specify the ID of an AMI to use as the base for the instance. If a launch template is specified, this parameter will override the value for ImageId in it. If blank, the launch template or tag specified will be used to locate the AMI. The launch template parameters, tag parameters or AMI ID parameter must be specified.


Optional. Specify the type of instance. If a launch template is specified, this parameter will override the value for InstanceType in it. If blank and no launch template is specified, m1.small will be used. Refer to the slide out help for more information.


Optional. Specify the IDs, separated by commas, of the security groups to grant access to the instance. If a launch template is specified, this parameter will override the value for SecurityGroupIds in it. If blank and no launch template is specified, the default security group will be used.


Optional. For the default VPC in EC2 Classic, specify the names, separated by commas, of the security groups to grant access to the instance. If a launch template is specified, this parameter will override the value for SecurityGroups in it. If blank and no launch template is specified, the default security group will be used.


Optional. For EC2 VPC, specify the id of the subnet launch the instance in. If a launch template is specified, this parameter will override the value for SubnetId in it. If blank and no launch template is specified, the default subnet for the VPC will be used.

Start EC2 Instances

Starts one or more stopped EC2 instances that match the tag specified.


AWS Parameters
aws_token required

Select the credentials to use to access Amazon Web Services.

Tag Parameters
key required

Specify the name of the key in the tag that identifies an EC2 instance or AMI.

value required

Specify the value associated with the key in the tag that identifies an EC2 instance or AMI.

EC2 Instance Start Parameters
multiple required

If enabled, all instances with a matching tag will be started, otherwise the Task will fail if more than one instance with a matching tag exists.

Stop EC2 Instances

Stops one or more running EC2 instances that match the tag specified.


AWS Parameters
aws_token required

Select the credentials to use to access Amazon Web Services.

Tag Parameters
key required

Specify the name of the key in the tag that identifies an EC2 instance or AMI.

value required

Specify the value associated with the key in the tag that identifies an EC2 instance or AMI.

EC2 Instance Stop Parameters
hibernate required

If enabled, attempt to hibernate instead of shutdown. If an instance cannot hibernate successfully, it will shutdown normally.

force required

Not Recommended. If enabled, stop without a chance to flush file system cache or metadata.

multiple required

If enabled, all instances with a matching tag will be stopped, otherwise the Task will fail if more than one instance with a matching tag exists.