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Refresh all of the extracts in a workbook or from a data source.

Purchasing Options

Available Actions

Refresh Workbook

Refresh all of the extracts in a workbook.


Tableau Parameters
target_server required

Tableau server with the extracts to refresh.

site_name required

Name of the site containing the extracts to refresh.

site_url required

ID of the site containing the extracts to refresh.

Workbook Parameters

ID of the workbook containing the extracts to refresh.


Name of the workbook containing the extracts to refresh. Leave blank if Workbook ID is specified.

Refresh Data Source

Refresh all of the extracts from a data source.


Tableau Parameters
target_server required

Tableau server with the extracts to refresh.

site_name required

Name of the site containing the extracts to refresh.

site_url required

ID of the site containing the extracts to refresh.

Data Source Parameters

ID of the data source whose extracts will be refreshed.


Name of the data source whose extracts will be refreshed. Leave blank if Data Source ID is specified.

wait required

Enable to cause this Task to wait for the refresh to complete before finishing.