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Download data from Stripe and store it in S3.

Purchasing Options

Available Actions

Display Report Types

Display a list of the report types that are available in Stripe.


Source Parameters
stripe_connection required

Credentials to use to connect to Stripe.

Download Reports

Download reports from Stripe and store them in an S3 bucket.


Source Parameters
stripe_connection required

Credentials to use to connect to Stripe.

report_type required

ID for the type of report to create. Use the Display Report Types action for a list of options and their ID's.


Optionally specify a connected account ID to filter data included in the report.


Optionally specify a payout ID to filter data included in the report.


Optionally specify a reporting category to filter data included in the report.


Optionally specify a currency to filter data included in the report.


Optionally specify a comma separated list of columns to include in the report. If omitted, the default columns for the Report Type will be used.


Timezone used for timestamps in the report. No effect on Next Run Start Point or End Point.

Range Parameters

Optional datetime stamp indicating the starting point of the information to retrieve. If specified, this field will be automatically updated after each increment of data is downloaded. Formatted as YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS in the UTC timezone. Required if Start Point Query is not specified.


Optional datetime stamp indicating the stopping point of the information to retrieve. Formatted as YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS in UTC timezone.

process_increment required

This Task will process your data in increments. Set a value in this field to determine the size of each increment.

Destination Parameters

Select the AWS Access Keys to use to access the S3 bucket where the files will be generated.


Optional. ARN of an IAM role to use for S3 bucket access.

s3_bucket_config required

Select the Shared Config that contains information about the S3 Bucket where the files will be generated.


Path from the starting folder in the S3 Bucket Configuration to the folder where the files will be generated.


Enable to include the current date and time in the name of the file generated.


Enable to allow an existing file with the same name in the Target Folder to be overwritten.

Download Data via Query

Download data from Stripe based on a query and store it in an S3 bucket.


Source Parameters
stripe_connection required

Credentials to use to connect to Stripe.

data_type required

Data Type


Optional query to filter results downloaded.


Parameters to use in your SQL Query and Post SQL Steps, if any. Refer to slide out help for more information.

Range Parameters

Optional datetime stamp indicating the starting point of the information to retrieve. If specified, this field will be automatically updated after each increment of data is downloaded. Formatted as YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS in the UTC timezone. Required if Start Point Query is not specified.


Optional datetime stamp indicating the stopping point of the information to retrieve. Formatted as YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS in UTC timezone.

process_increment required

This Task will process your data in increments. Set a value in this field to determine the size of each increment.

Destination Parameters

Select the AWS Access Keys to use to access the S3 bucket where the files will be generated.


Optional. ARN of an IAM role to use for S3 bucket access.

s3_bucket_config required

Select the Shared Config that contains information about the S3 Bucket where the files will be generated.


Path from the starting folder in the S3 Bucket Configuration to the folder where the files will be generated.


Enable to include the current date and time in the name of the file generated.


Enable to allow an existing file with the same name in the Target Folder to be overwritten.