Read content from multiple files and store it as one or more merged files.
Read the content from multiple files in one S3 bucket path and store it as one or more merged files in a different S3 bucket path.
Select the AWS Access Keys to use to access the S3 bucket containing the files to merge.
Select the Shared Config that contains information about the S3 Bucket containing the files to merge.
Folder path from the Folder Path Prefix in the Source S3 Bucket Connection to the folder with files to merge.
Files older than the number of days specified in this field will be included for potential merge, determined by the last modified date of the file.
If enabled, source files that were successfully merged will be deleted.
Select the AWS Access Keys to use to access the S3 bucket where the merged files will be created.
Select the Shared Config that contains information about the S3 Bucket where the merged files will be created.
Folder path from the Path Prefix in the Destination S3 Bucket Configuration to the folder where the merged files will be created.
Select the way in which the merged file names should be created.
Specify the maximum file size, in MB, of the newly created merged files.
If enabled, files in the merge destination with the same path and name will be overwritten.
Values specified will replace any {{ }} specified in other parameters on this task. Refer to slide out help for more information.