Obtain information from Order My Gear and store it in a MySQL database.
Download order data from the Order My Gear REST API and upload it to a MySQL database.
Credentials to use to access Order My Gear.
MySQL database where store ID's are stored.
SQL Query to obtain the list of store ID's corresponding to the orders to download.
Parameters to use in the Store ID Query, if any. Refer to slide out help for more information.
Date stamp indicating the starting point, based on updated date, of the data to load. Only data updated after the date specified will be loaded. This field will be automatically updated after each day's worth of data is loaded. Formatted as YYYY-MM-DD in UTC timezone.
Data updated up to and including the date specified will be loaded. Formatted as YYYY-MM-DD in UTC timezone. Leave this field blank to load all data updated up to and including the day prior to the current date when the Task is executed.
MySQL database where the data will be stored.
Target table name, in schema.table format, where the data will be stored.
Automatically create the Target Table, if it does not exist, otherwise end the Task.