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Move files last modified more than the specified number of days ago from one S3 bucket path to a different S3 bucket path.

Purchasing Options

Available Actions

Archive Files

Move files that match archive criteria from a source S3 bucket path to a destination S3 bucket path.


Archive Info
archive_value required

Files older than the number of days specified in this field will be included for potential archive, determined by the last modified date of the file.


If enabled, files in the archive destination with the same path and name will be overwritten.


Perform a simulated run of the archive process with logging, but don't actually move any files.


Parameters defined in this field can be used in the Source Path Pattern and Destination S3 Folder Path fields.

Source Connection Parameters
source_aws_bucket_connection required

Examine files in this S3 Bucket location for potential archiving.


Folder path from the Folder Path Prefix in the Source S3 Bucket Connection to the folder with files to archive. Should end with a forward slash. This path will not be recreated in the archive destination. Dynamic parameters allowed.


Only files under Source Path with paths that contain this value will be included for potential archive. Leave this field blank to include all files and folders under Source Path. Any folders under Source Path will be recreated in the archive destination. Dynamic parameters allowed.

Destination Connection Parameters
target_aws_bucket_connection required

Archived files will be moved to this S3 Bucket location.

target_s3_path required

Folder path from the Folder Path Prefix in the Destination S3 Bucket Connection to the folder where the archived files will be created. Dynamic parameters allowed.