Obtain data from Hygraph and load it into BigQuery.
Execute a query in Hygraph and store the results in a table in BigQuery.
Credentials to use to access the Hygraph.
Query to return the Hygraph data desired.
Parameters to use in your Hygraph Query, if any. Refer to slide out help for more information.
Credentials to use to access the Google Cloud Platform account with the BigQuery database.
Unique identifier of the Google Cloud project that contains the dataset where the data will be loaded.
Name of the dataset that contains the table where the data will be loaded.
Name of the table where the data will be loaded.
Optional. Region where the dataset is located.
Mapping between Hygraph field values and BigQuery columns.
Enable to create the table if it does not exist.
Date where the download of your data should begin. This field will automatically be updated after each increment is processed.
Fixed amount to adjust the Next Run Start Point.
SQL Query to execute against the BigQuery database to determine the end point of the data to download. Leave this field blank to download all data with a date after the Next Run Start Point.
This Task will process your data in increments. Set a value in this field to determine the size of each increment.