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Detect rows that have been deleted from FileMaker on MySQL

Available Actions

Reconcile Data

Finds rows that have been deleted from FileMaker and updates a column denoting that the column has been deleted on a MySQL table.


Source Parameters
source_db required

FileMaker database to run the SQL Query on.

filemaker_table_name required

Table name,where the data is stored.

filemaker_id_column required

Column name for the primary key of the table.

filemaker_extract_query required

SQL Query to run. Statements are separated by a semicolon.

Destination Parameters
mysql_connection required

MySQL database where the data will be stored.

mysql_table_name required

Table name, in schema.table format, where the data is stored

mysql_deleted_flag required

MySQL Column to update to denote that a row has been deleted from FileMaker

mysql_id_column required

Column name for the primary key of the table

mysql_date_tracking_field required

Name of field that tracks the last updated timestamp for FileMaker data

General Parameters
batch_size required

Number of rows to process at a time.


Number of months to lookback when searching for difference between FileMaker and MySQL.