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Read CSV formatted files in one S3 location and save them as JSON formatted files in another S3 location.

Purchasing Options

Available Actions

Convert Files

Create JSON formatted versions of files with character separated values.


Source Parameters
source_aws_connection required

Select the AWS Access Keys to use to access the S3 bucket where the CSV files are stored.

source_bucket required

Select the Shared Config that contains information about the S3 Bucket where the CSV files are stored.


Path from the starting folder in the S3 Bucket Configuration to the folder where the CSV files are stored.

source_compression required

Type of compression applied to the CSV files.

scan_limit required

Maximum number of pages to examine to discover files in the bucket. Each page has 1,000 files.


Number of tracking records to examine to determine which files have already been processed. Leave blank to examine all records.

processing_timeout required

Reprocess any files that have been in processing status longer than the number of minutes specified.

reprocess required

Reprocess files with a error status recorded.

CSV Parameters

Specify a comma separated list of column names, in order, to use instead of the values in the header rows identified.

source_headers required

Line number containing the column names. This field is ignored if the Column Names field has a value.

source_delimiter required

Character used to separate values in the CSV files.

Target Parameters
target_aws_connection required

Select the AWS Access Keys to use to access the S3 bucket where the JSON files will be stored.

target_bucket required

Select the Shared Config that contains information about the S3 Bucket where the JSON files will be stored.


Path from the starting folder in the S3 Bucket Configuration to the folder where the JSON files will be stored.

target_compression required

Type of compression to apply to the JSON files.

allow_overwrite required

Enable to allow an existing file with the same name in the Target Folder to be overwritten.

Tracking Parameters
tracking_db required

MySQL database where the processing status of each file is stored.

tracking_table required

Table, in format, where the processing status of each file is stored.