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S3 tooling used to move files from one location/bucket to another location/bucket

Available Actions

Archive Files

Scan bucket/path for files matching certain critera. Move them if they match the archive restrictions. After successful move delete from the source location.


S3 Information
source_aws_connection required

AWS Credentials with access to the sources and target s3 locations.


S3 Bucket where you want to unload the data to.

source_s3_path required

Path where source files are


Bucket you plan to archive to

target_s3_path required

Path where files will be archived to.

Archive Definition
archive_value required

Number of days that need to pass before archiving the objects. Based on creation date.

delete_after required

Flag to specify deleting source files after successfully copying them to the target bucket/path


User defined parameters to enable templating of paths for more configurable options...