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Used for starting/stoping Redshift clusters as well as taking/pruning snapshots.

Available Actions

Start Cluster

Start a redshift cluster using the data_store_name specified in the compatible connection type


redshift_connection required

Entry in the configs for the specified AWS redshift cluster you want to start

aws_connection required

AWS Credentials with access to the perform redshift cluster actions.


If you want to restore from a specific snapshot other than the Latest. NOTE. this is not recommended.

automated_backup_retention required

If you want to override the value defined in the cluster definition. NOTE. This is not recommended.

Stop Cluster

Stop a redshift cluster using the data_store_name specified in the compatible connection type


redshift_connection required

Entry in the configs for the specified AWS redshift cluster you want to start

aws_connection required

AWS Credentials with access to perform redshift actions


If you want to name the last snapshot something other than the default naming pattern. NOTE. This is not recommended.

skip_snapshot required

Skip the creation of a snapshot during shutdown if True. NOTE. This is not recommended.

backup_retention_type required

Choose to keep backups created in the last X days or the most recent X backups.

number_to_keep required

The value for the number of days to keep or number of snapshots to keep

Take Snapshot

Take a snapshot if the cluster is up. If cluster is not up action fails with Cluster not available error.


redshift_connection required

Entry in the configs for the specified AWS redshift cluster you want to start

aws_connection required

AWS Credentials with access to perform redshift actions


If you want to name the last snapshot something other than the default naming pattern. NOTE. This is not recommended.

Prune Snapshot

Prune snapshots based on provided parameters. By default pulls parameters for pruning from the redshift connection. You can override those values by specifying different values here.


redshift_connection required

Entry in the configs for the specified AWS redshift cluster you want to start

aws_connection required

AWS Credentials with access to perform redshift actions

backup_retention_type required

Choose to keep backups created in the last X days or the most recent X backups.

number_to_keep required

The value for the number of days to keep or number of snapshots to keep