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Terminate queries running in a Redshift cluster that meet selected criteria.

Purchasing Options

Available Actions

Kill Queries

Terminate queries that meet the following criteria.


Database Info
target_db required

Database with information about the queries actively running in the Redshift Cluster.

Duration Criteria
max_duration required

Any queries that have been running longer than the number of MINUTES specified in this field will included for termination consideration.

Filter Criteria

Select INCLUDE to only kill queries that exceed duration threshold and were initiated by one of the usernames specified in the next field. Select EXCLUDE to only kill queries that exceed duration threshold and were NOT initiated by one of the usernames specified in the next field.


Add each username to INCLUDE in or EXCLUDE from query termination consideration. If INCLUDE is selected and no usernames are specified, all usernames will be included. If EXCLUDE is selected and no usernames are specified, all usernames will be included.


Select INCLUDE to only kill queries that exceed duration threshold and were initiated against one of the databases specified in the next field. Select EXCLUDE to only kill queries that exceed duration threshold and were NOT initiated against one of the databases specified in the next field.


Add each database to INCLUDE in or EXCLUDE from query termination consideration. If INCLUDE is selected and no databases are specified, all databases will be included. If EXCLUDE is selected and no databases are specified, all databases will be included.