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Copy data from a BigQuery data warehouse to a Cloud Firestore database.

Purchasing Options

Available Actions

Copy Data

Read data from a BigQuery data warehouse and store it in a Cloud Firestore database.


BigQuery Parameters
target_big_query_config required

Credentials to use to access the BigQuery Cloud Data Warehouse.

project_id required

Specify the unique identifier of the Google Cloud project that contains the dataset that you want to copy data from.

sql_steps required

SQL Query to run. Only one SQL step is allowed.

range_start_point required

Datetime stamp where the processing of your sequentially sorted data should begin. This field will automatically be updated after each successful Task completion.


Datetime stamp where the processing of your sequentially sorted data should end. Leave this field blank to process all records with a Datetime stamp after the starting point.

Cloud Firestore Parameters
source_firebase_config required

Credentials to use to access the Cloud Firestore database.


Specify the name of the Firebase app associated with the Cloud Firestore database where the data from the BigQuery data warehouse should be loaded. If this field is left blank, the Cloud Firestore database associated with the [DEFAULT] Firebase app will be used.

collection_name required

Specify the name of the collection within the Cloud Firestore database where the data from the BigQuery data warehouse should be loaded. If the specified collection does not exist, it will be created.


Specify the name of the column in BigQuery that holds the unique identifier for the Firestore document that corresponds to the row. If blank, a unique identifier will be automatically generated.