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Download data from SendGrid and store it in S3.

Purchasing Options

Available Actions

Download Data

Download the selected type of data from the SendGrid REST API and store it in an S3 bucket.


Source Parameters
sendgrid_credentials required

API Key to use to authenticate with SendGrid.

data_type required

Select the type of data to download.

pointer required

Date and time where the download should begin. Only data created or updated after this date will be downloaded. This field will automatically be updated after each download file is created.

Destination Parameters
aws_connection required

Select the AWS Access Keys to use to access the S3 bucket where the data will be stored.

s3_bucket_config required

Select the Shared Config that contains information about the S3 Bucket where the data will be stored.


Path from the starting folder in the S3 Bucket Configuration to the folder where the data will be stored.


Path from the starting folder in the S3 Bucket Configuration to the folder where errors will be logged.

download_format required

Select the format for the downloaded data.


Add an item in the downloaded data recording the datetime (in UTC format) when it was downloaded.


Enable to allow an existing file with the same name in the Target Folder to be overwritten.


Enable to ignore errors caused by more than 1000 messages existing in a single second. Ignored errors will be logged in the Errors Folder specified above. Leave disabled to halt Task execution when an error is encountered.