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Use information in HubSpot to update data in Glofox.

Purchasing Options

Available Actions

Update CRM Objects

Use CRM object information in HubSpot to update data in Glofox.


Source Parameters
hubspot_connection required

API Key or Access Token to connect to HubSpot.

data_type required

Select the type of data to download.

run_for required

Number of minutes to allow the Task to run.

polling_interval required

Number of seconds to wait between each check for new data in HubSpot.

General Parameters
gcp_con required

Credentials to use to access the BigQuery Cloud Data Warehouse.

owner_id_branch_query required

SQL Script to obtain the HubSpot owner id to Glofox branch id mappings.

Destination Parameters
glofox_connection required

Credentials to use to access Glofox.