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Download ad data from Facebook and store it in BigQuery.

Purchasing Options

Available Actions

Download Data

Download ad data from Facebook and load it into a table in BigQuery.


Source Parameters
facebook_marketing_connection required

Credentials to use to access Facebook.

ad_account_id required

ID of the Facebook Ad Account with the data to download.

fields required

Select which Ads Insights fields to download from Facebook.


Optional. Datetime stamp formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Only data with a datetime stamp that is after the datetime specified will be downloaded. This field is automatically set to the date of the last successful task execution.


Fixed amount to adjust the Next Run Start Point by.


Data updated up to and including the date specified will be downloaded. Formatted as YYYY-MM-DD in UTC timezone. Leave this field blank to download all data updated up to and including the day prior to the current date when the Task is executed.

batch_size required

Number of days worth of data to load at once.

Destination Parameters
big_query_connection required

Credentials to use to access BigQuery.

project_id required

Unique identifier of the Google Cloud project where the data will be loaded.

dataset required

Name of the dataset where the data will be loaded.

bigquery_table required

Name of the table where the data will be loaded.