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Download data from Dialpad and store it in an S3 Bucket.

Purchasing Options

Available Actions

Download Statistics

Download a Statistics Report from Dialpad and store it in an Amazon S3 Bucket.


Source Parameters
dialpad_connection required

Credentials to use to access Dialpad.

pointer required

Date stamp indicating the starting point, based on creation date, of the data to download. Formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.


Number of seconds to wait for the export request to complete before failing.


Number of seconds to wait between each check of the status of the export request.

Report Parameters
export_type required

Download aggregated statistics (Stats), or individual rows for each record (Records).


Timezone using a TZ database name.

stat_type required

Type of statistics to download.


Only applicable when Calls is specified for Statistics Type. Group calls by user per day (User), total metrics by day (Date), or by department and call center (Group).


This field is required if the Coaching Group or Coaching Team fields are enabled.


If a Target ID is specified, select the type of the target.


Enable to limit statistics to the trainees of the coach group with the Target ID specified.


Enable to limit statistics to the trainees of the coach team with the Target ID specified.


ID of the office to download statistics for. Only used if Target ID and Target Type are not specified.

Destination Parameters

Select the AWS Access Keys to use to access the S3 bucket where the data will be stored.


Optional. ARN of an IAM role to use for S3 bucket access.

s3_bucket_config required

Select the Shared Config that contains information about the S3 Bucket where the data will be stored.


Path from the starting folder in the S3 Bucket Configuration to the folder where the data will be stored.


Enable to include date information in S3 path and file name.


Enable to allow an existing file with the same name in the Target Folder to be overwritten.